I am about to build a Temple to honor the name of the LORD my God. It will be a place set apart… before Him. This will be a magnificent Temple because our God is an awesome God, greater than any other (2 Chro. 2:4a & 5, NLT).
If God has given you the opportunity to build a temple for Him, or to be part of those building His temple, it is a great honour indeed.
David, the man after the heart of God, sought for this honour but God did not give it to him. If you have this opportunity, embrace it with all your heart and do it with all your might. That was what Solomon king of Israel did and it became the main achievement of his life.
From our text today we can understand the following:
To build a temple for the Lord is to honour His name. And God has promised to honour those who honour Him (I Sam. 2:30).
To build a temple for God is to provide a place where people can worship God, pray to Him and enjoy His presence.
To build a temple for God is to provide a place where the word of God can be preached and expounded, so the people can be fed with the bread of life.
To build a temple for God is to provide a place where people can find salvation for their souls.
To build a temple for God is to provide a place of refuge where people can find protection and security from all the negative winds and vicissitudes of life.
If you can single-handedly build God temple, please do it...with joy.
If you are called upon to be part of building a temple for the Lord, partake of it with gladness.
If the church of God is being brought into your house, either a house fellowship or the starting up of a church, receive it willingly. That was what Obed-Edom did and within three months God blessed Him eternally.
Above all these, do not forget that you are the temple of the living God. Therefore, take care of your body. Keep it from sin and any form of abuse. Know that our God is awesome, holy and magnificent. Since your body is His temple handle it appropriately to represent the habitation of our God.
Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? (I Cor. 3:16).
Prayer Points:
Give thanks to God because you are His holy temple and He lives in you.
Purge yourself of anything that defiles the temple of God.
Dedicate yourself to faithfully participate in building the house of God.
Give thanks to God for answering your prayers.